Interprofessional Journal of Health Sciences

formerly Bulletin of Health, Science and Technology (BHST)


ISSN (Print) 2672-9628

ISSN (Online) 2672-9423


Interprofessional Journal of Health Sciences (Interprof. J. Health Sci. or IJHS), formerly Bulletin of Health, Science and Technology (BHST; ISSN: 0858-7531), is a multidisciplinary international scholarly journal for the publication of current knowledge and advances in health sciences with the online submission and review systems.


Aims and Scope

The Interprofessional Journal of Health Sciences publishes articles in the fields of health, science, technology, biomedical and sociomedical sciences. It is a peer-reviewed journal which is published twice a year (June and December). Accepted paper for publication will be published in both the online (ISSN: 2672-9423) and in print (ISSN: 2672-9628) versions. It is indexed or abstracted in Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI).

Manuscripts will be considered for publication in the following types of papers:
Original Article: The full paper describes original research in detail. Minimum length of manuscripts should be 6 pages (A4) including figures and tables.
Review Article: A review should be a short article written on the current topic of health, science, technology, bio-medical and socio-medical sciences. Minimum length of review articles should be 4 pages (A4) including figures and tables.
Short Report, Case Report, Note and Letter to Editor: The preliminary report describes important observations. Research results can be positive or negative results in limited area or scope of study. Maximum length of short report should not exceed 4 pages including figures, tables and abstract. Notes and Letters to Editor should not exceed 1 page and do not require an abstract.