Interprofessional Journal of Health Sciences

formerly Bulletin of Health, Science and Technology (BHST)


ISSN (Print) 2672-9628

ISSN (Online) 2672-9423

Manuscript Template: Download File

Manuscript Submission Form:  

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor-in-Chief as an attachment to an e-mail (ijhs@rsu.ac.th), in word processing format.  The Interprof. J. Health Sci. submission form must be completed.  Included in the submission form are: 
(a) the title and authors
(b) complete contact information for the corresponding author (mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers)
(c) confirmation of the originality of the reported work
(d) approval of the submitted version of the manuscript by all authors and
(e) the authors’ consent for publication in Interprof. J. Health Sci., if accepted.